Your Order's Shipping Info

Will my order be here in time?

If your order has shipped already:

Please check the tracking link in your order receipt. If you ordered on Etsy, this can be found in your account or in the shipping confirmation email. The estimated delivery date should be on the USPS tracking page. If your order is scheduled to arrive late, let us know ASAP.

If your order hasn't shipped yet:

Please contact us ASAP and let us know your event date if it's in less than 7 days (USA). Orders placed with First Class Mail arrive in the USA in about a week. Orders with Priority Mail generally arrive in 2-4 business days. Orders with Priority Mail Express generally arrive in 2-3 business days.

My Order is Going to Arrive Late

If the tracking page shows that your package is going to arrive after you can use it, please contact us for return instructions if needed. If you plan to return your order, do not open the package when it arrives in the mail. Return shipping will not be free if the package is opened.